In 1996 I moved to Nashville, TN. to pursue a career as a singer songwriter. The first winter was cold and wet in Nashville and I had an opportunity to drive a songwriter down to the Gulf of Mexico to a songwriting festival. I jumped at the chance to get down to warm weather, play music and be on a beach. During the day, I walked the fine white sand beaches and collected shells. I was excited to find shells with little holes in them, wide enough to string a bead.
I came home to Nashville not only with lots of great music, stories and songs, but a pail full of shells. This was my inspiration for cindystyle jewelry … a simple shell with a ceramic bead strung into a necklace. Once my first CD was made, I had 1000 copies I needed to sell which meant hitting the road. As a traveling singer songwriter I entertained myself by day seeking out bead shops in the towns I was performing in and that began my interest and my collection of beads.
I made jewelry for friends and sold some too. In 2002 I met a man who courted me by sending me large volumes of copper wire that he wound up by hand. And so, to this day, I am still using that wire in my copper wire jewelry.
I am inspired by all the beautiful colors that exist in nature.
Please visit to learn more about my music and check out my upcoming shows.