
Kyanite encourages speaking one’s truth and cutting through fears and blockages. It cuts through confusion and ignorance and stimulates the higher mind. It needs no cleaning because it holds no negativity. 

Amber and Fluorite

Amber is tree resin that solidified and became fossilized. Mentally, Amber stimulates the intellect, learn depression and promotes a positive mental state and creative self-expression.  It brings balance and patience and promotes altruism.


Obsidian  is molten lava that cooled so quickly it had no time to crystalize. It is a stone without boundaries and limitations. Obsidian is a strongly protective stone, forming a shield against negativity. It can soak up environmental pollution. 

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels and brings deep inner healing and self-love. It is an excellent stone for a mid life crisis. If you have loved and lost it comforts your grief. 


Rhyolite ignites the potential and creativity of the soul. It facilitates change and deep meditation. This is an excellent stone to keep you anchored in the present moment rather than harking on the past. Rhyolite enhances self esteem and self worth.


Amazonite, Malachite, Carnelian, Chalcedony, Jade

Turquoise, Selenite, Tiger Eye, Lapis, Labradorite, Ruby Fushia

Kyanite, Amber, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Rhyolite, Rainbow Aura

Jasper, Chrysocolla, Shell